Level 3 Purchasing Cards
Level 3 data can be important to corporates
Level 3 data
Businesses and authorities use Purchasing Cards (P-Cards) or Government Procurement Cards (GPC) to eliminate the lengthy process of raising a purchase order and paying suppliers by traditional payment methods such as bank transfer. Some purchasing cards also flow line item detail which is known as Level 3 data to assist with purchase control and reconciliation. Level 3 data can provide the buyer with detail of the transaction, including invoice number, cost centre, a breakdown of the products/service supplied and invoice values. Level 3 data is also tax evident in some territories.
As a merchant, how do I accept Level 3?
Due to the design of traditional card terminals, they do not prompt for the additional line item detail, and if they did, there is no way to enter alphabetical data into a numerical keypad. Adflex can identify the right solution for your business based on the processing environment, for example, online or over the phone and the predicted volume of transactions. We can setup a solution within a matter of days and offer ways to streamline your processes, automate your payments and save buyer information for future sales through our smart payment APIs and tokenisation technology — all in which, create value and improve efficiencies to both the buyer and supplier.
Large Ticket Interchange (LTI)
Dependant on the territory, some issuers and acquirers support Large Ticket Interchange (LTI). Via their payment gateway, merchants can leverage LTI to reduce interchange on high-value transactions which are categorised by the card scheme. As a result, the merchant service cost of processing the card payment is reduced.
How can Adflex help?
Due to the processing complexities associated with Level 3 and Large Ticket Interchange, Adflex is one of the only B2B gateways to support enhanced data across the globe and partners with schemes, issuers and acquirers to help their clients. For more information on B2B payments or our associated gateway technology, please speak to our sales team today.